Why hire Ken Lewis to defend you on a drugs charge?
Former Chief of Homicide Division as an Orlando prosecutor
Over 50 murder trials
Over 200 felony trials
Numerous drug trafficking trials
Numerous pretrial suppression motions
Extensive experience working with drug agents
State and Federal

Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney is the most important decision of your life and there is no substitute for experience. Attorney Ken Lewis was a homicide prosecutor for 8 years and was the former Chief Homicide Prosecutor for Orange and Osceola Counties. In addition Ken Lewis has had multiple drug trafficking trials and handled hundreds of drug cases.
We represent clients on drug charges in: Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Lake, Volusia, Flagler, Duval, St. Johns, Sumter, Alachua, Brevard, Escambia, Leon, Broward, Palm Beach, Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Bradenton, and Sarasota Counties in both State and Federal Court.
*Our first priority is get you a bond hearing at the earliest possible date. The quicker we get you out of jail, the sooner you can help assist us in building your defense. The Lewis Law Firm has extensive experience in lifting Nebbia holds and will aggressively work to get you the lowest bond possible.
Hiring Ken Lewis offers you, the client, several advantages that can and will make a difference in the outcome of your drug case. An experienced homicide attorney can provide you with distinct advantages at every critical stage of a criminal prosecution: 1) the filing stage 2) pretrial motions 3) negotiating a resolution and 4) trial. Former prosecutor Ken Lewis has had over 50 murder trials and over 200 felony jury trials including robbery, drug trafficking, burglary, and sexual battery.
1) The filing stage
An experienced attorney, particularly a former prosecutor, is going to have increased ability to recognize weaknesses in a case at the earliest point possible. Bringing those weaknesses to the attention of the prosecutor may cause no charges or less serious charges to be filed. Either way, you win. Attorney Ken Lewis has filed hundreds of cases and knows the Florida Statutes inside and out.
2) Pretrial motions
No area is more important in the defense of a drug case than determining when a search is illegal and warrants the suppression of evidence. An experienced attorney is far more qualified through experience to recognize critical pretrial motions that may be overlooked by someone with less experience. As a former prosecutor Ken Lewis has dealt with hundreds of pretrial motions.
3) Negotiating a resolution
An experienced defense attorney is going to be far more likely to negotiate a more favorable resolution because the prosecutor is far less likely to take a case to trial against an experienced defense attorney he respects. Prosecutors are often judged on their conviction rates and rarely want to take chances on trying a case they think they can lose. Ken Lewis has experience working with multiple drug agencies and those relationships are essential in negotiating favorable results.
4) Trial
Ken Lewis is one of the most experienced, successful, and respected trial attorneys in Central Florida.
Trial is never the place to take a chance on a less experienced attorney. A trial involves command of the evidence code, the ability to exploit weaknesses in the state’s case, and trial skills such as effective cross examination and detailed knowledge of forensic science. These essential trial skills are only mastered through experience in the courtroom. Compromising any of these skills can and will make the difference between a conviction and an acquittal.
Prior to hiring a lawyer, you must ask the question, how many felony jury trials have you had? Follow up that question by asking if they have had success at trial with the kind of case you are hiring them for. If you are hiring an attorney who does not have extensive experience in forensic science you are doing yourself a disservice. Attorney Ken Lewis has cross examined and worked with nationally known experts in all areas of forensic science.
If there is any error in the forensic evidence, or areas of forensic evidence the state did not utilize and should have, and your attorney's lack of experience or knowledge doesn’t exploit it, you have made a potentially critical hiring mistake. Failure in a single one of these areas can make a difference in whether you walk away a free man or spend years of your life in prison. Can you afford to take that chance? Call The Lewis Law Firm now at 407-706-8300 for a free consultation at either our Longwood office or at our office in downtown Orlando.
If you are incarcerated we will come visit you.
Ken Lewis has experience handling numerous drug cases including:
Trafficking in Heroin, Trafficking in Cocaine
Oxycodone, LSD
We value and respect your privacy and we will keep any information
strictly confidential.
Minimum mandatory sentences for Florida drug offenses under Florida Statute 893.135:
Cocaine Trafficking Penalties:
28 grams - 200 grams:3 year mandatory minimum sentence; $50,000 fine
200 grams - 400 grams:7 year mandatory minimum sentence; $100,000 fine
400 grams - 150 kilograms:15 year mandatory minimum sentence; $250,000 fine
More than 150 kilogramsFirst degree felony: Life Imprisonment with no parole eligibility
Cannabis Trafficking Penalties:
25-2,000 pounds or 300 to 2,000 plants: 3 year mandatory minimum prison sentence; $25,000 fine
2,000 pounds - 10,000 pounds or 2,000 -10,000 plants7 year mandatory minimum prison sentence; $50,000 fine
10,000 pounds or more: 15 years mandatory minimum prison sentence; $200,000 fine
Heroin Trafficking Penalties:
4-14 grams: 3 year mandatory minimum prison sentence; $50,000 fine
14-28 grams:15 year mandatory minimum prison sentence; $100,000 fine
28 grams - 30 kilograms:25 year mandatory minimum prison sentence; $500,000 fine
Hydrocodone Trafficking Penalties:
14 grams - 28 grams:3 year mandatory minimum sentence; $50,000 fine
29 grams - 49 grams:7 year mandatory minimum sentence; $100,000 fine
50 grams - 200 grams:15 year mandatory minimum sentence; $500,000 fine
200 grams - 30 kilograms:25 year mandatory minimum sentence: $750,000 fine
Oxycodone Trafficking Penalties:
7 grams - 14 grams:3 year mandatory minimum; $50,000 fine
14 grams- 25 grams:7 year mandatory minimum; $100,000 fine
15 grams to 100 grams:15 year mandatory minimum; $500,000 fine
100 grams to 30 kilograms:25 year mandatory minimum; $750,000 fine
LSD Trafficking Penalties:
1 gram or more, but less than 5 grams:3 years prison; $50,000 fine
5 grams or more, but less than 7 grams:7 years prison; $100,000 fine
7 grams or more:15 years prison; $500,000 fine
MDMA/Ecstasy Trafficking Penalties:
10 grams or more but under 200 grams:3 year mandatory minimum sentence; $50,000 fine
200 grams or more, but less than 400 grams:7 year mandatory minimum sentence; $100,000 fine
400 grams or more: 15 year mandatory minimum sentence; $250,000 fine
Methamphetamine Trafficking Penalties:
14 grams - 28 grams:3 year mandatory minimum sentence; $50,000 fine
28 grams - 200 grams:7 year mandatory minimum sentence; $100,000 fine
200 grams or more:15 year mandatory minimum sentence; $250,000 fine